Czech fan translation revived..

  • Happy New Year everybody!!!

    I did a few days ago stumble upon an old fan made Czech translation from 2004, which was based on Anthology release and fairly complete. So tried to contact the "project lead", and got the blessing to revive that and align it to the re-released "format" - and we/he did translate the missing titles.db and the map names. Thanks McMichal!

    This translation does contain graphics.

    Anyway an image of the game in Czech in HD:

    (The small white dot in the overlay map - is a quest marker - a feature that should be done soon - if I do not get distracted by more old fan made translations :D)

    I am 99.9% done with the translation/graphics adjustments - to me it looks fine, but I do not know any Czech - and I might spot a encoding error, but I need some native Czech speaking to play the game.

    The current content does cover the Steam/GOG re-release assets, but is missing what was put into the community patches - so if someone would be interest in adding these we could included it proper in a later patch - if that is acceptable. So that means currently tutorial, trophy and new events text is missing.

    I will probably also just release it as a download for the "stock" re-release.


    BTW: I have been tinkering with a translation kit, but that is not in a "production" state - yet, but if anyone has an interest in what I consider "missing" translations - French and Italian (retail versions with Italian covers were sold - at least chapters 1-4, with English language game :o ) - let me know.

  • If I'm not wrong, the application itself doesn't need any adjustments for another language, am I?

    Adding it to the patch would be possible with the additions made by me, just like the polish one. Every addition/fix which needs new text, stays in english.

    Wo ich bin klappt nichts,...
    aber ich kann ja nicht überall sein.

  • During the re-release we did change the folder structure cater better for multiple translations - so there are <language> subfolders - and assets that does not need translations are not redundant all over the place. So the "Launcher" will populate the "language" selector by the "folders" found. So yes - it is fairly easy to add new languages without any changes to the source code. Unless there is some fun - with character codepoints and encoding - like we had when the PL and RU versions surfaced :/

    The text should be complete in some form, as an example are the:

    Message109="Note: Actually not designed for a female character"

    Message110="Do you want to play the tutorial?"

    Message111="In Hardmode there's no possibility to save your game on your own!"

    which are missing in the Czech Text.ini - since they are newer that the Anthology re-release, which means that dialog is blank or not showing. Just throwing the English in is a option :D