Posts by Inteck
Well, its still NOT working. I have wiped it of my drive, re-installed it, copied the downloads to the right directory and this blasted editor STILL refuses to work. I have not updated it, I have made sure the directory is SOA and I have made sure that all the directories are pointing in the right place. I have also made sure I have downloaded and am using the right version of the editor and all the needed extra downloads. I am still open to suggestions but.....this is REALLY getting frustrating!! Is it possible that there was another version of the game that this editor simply didn't work on??? I must admit I got it at a bargain price, but I am starting to wonder if everything is here that is supposed to be here. Or am I just having some of the worst luck of anyone here. Here is what the log file looks like now; there is not a lot of difference but some.
On a different note: Most (not all) of the errors are caused by "missing files". Many of files are not missing. As a matter of fact they are under almost the exact same directory. The directories in question are sometimes missing only letter or two which is probably what is throwing things off. As you can see from the log, there are Way Too many to be moved manually, yet if i change initilization directory it throws everything else offf!! Frustrating. I will keep working on it.
I don't consider you a smartass nEoAcIx, as a matter of fact at this point any suggestion(s) are welcome. I am really frustrated and utterly confused by this . It seems as though I am the only one with this problem, or if nothing else, the only one to have mentioned it. Still, I have hope that someone here can shed some light on what is going on so I can get up and running.
My initial intention was to correct some of the mess ups and screw ups that the NPC characters had in the English version of the game (equipment being in the wrong place etc.) After doing the easy stuff, I might have been tempted to look at some other errors that were not solved by the "official" update. At this point though, I am holding off. If I can't get this editor going I might as well forget about the more complex stuff.
It looks like that this editor would have made things a lot simpler than having to hex edit each and every value, then go back to a former save to make sure you have not "broken the map" which causes a crash to desktop.
Unfortunately the time consumption in hex is enourmous, and I have been trying desperately to get this editor going. I NEED to be able to edit the map .lvl files for the different characters. The .pox files need nothing special, but the .lvl files are a different story......this is not a want it is a desperate NEED. -
Simple answer to a simple question. Yes. I am using the English or as some say the U.S. CD anthology version (with the official update installed) of the game which installs everything at once. For the life of me I can't figure out whats going on, every attempt to use this editor results in failure. I have followed the instructions to the letter. I have also made sure my directory is correct (SOA) with NO spaces. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. Thanks in advance.
Here is the log file in txt format. Please let me know if it worked. Thanks
The log file is TOO large 205kb (site restriction is 200kb). If anyone has any suggestions on how I can put my log here please let me know. I am guessing it is probably me doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what. My Directory is already SoA. I am working with the U.S. Anthology version if that makes any difference.
I am having serious problems using the editor on the English (U.S.) version of the game. I have installed the editor exactly as described. After the editor finishes parsing, trying to load up ANY .lvl map results in complete failure. It always gives an error that it doesn't recognize something or that something is missing. I have downloaded and have all available files installed so thats not it. Roughly Half of the chaptered Log report is filled with errors that things are missing. I have already done the registry thing and made sure that the directories are pointing to the right locations so thats not it either. I have also checked for the missing files in question.....Over half of them simply don't exist. So the question is How do you get this thing to Load lvl Maps. It doesn't seem to work at ALL!!