Beiträge von Samriel

    Samriel There are indeed some items you need for quests. Maybe there could be something like that, but I can't remember. But as usual you will know that before because either it has a special image (not a common one like e.g. blue tunic) or you got a quest before and it's quite logical that this must be the item (eg. Find ingredients for a monk, it must a flower, a herb, and soon). In other cases you will/would have the same problem as a german player in the german version. ;)

    @both... No problem, you're welcome. Have fun!

    Got it.

    One more thing, occassionally there is some text in white (but only in german) that appears over the heads of certain NPCS when they talk in real time and not in dialogue windows. It does not happen often but the player might lose some plot related information by not knowing what they say. Any plans to have it translated in the future?


    Yes that's correct. I thought it would be enough to translate conversations, adventures, quests and journals because if you play the mod, you already know how to handle the interface. Understanding the story is the main issue.

    Translating everything else would be around 50% more work. Maybe just have a look at Artlib\"Mod"-Resource\ConversationsEng and ...\JournalEng from each mod. Then you get an overview how much work that was. :eek:

    Are there any items though that play a crucial role in the plot and need to be obtained to move the plot (or spefic quests) along? If so then maybe it would be good to translate just these to not have trouble figuring out what they are by checking the journal and comparing it to the items found.

    Otherwise yeah, since most players know already what means what in the interface therefore there shouldn't be much trouble with that.

    Thank you for translating the mod!